uhhh...shopping till ya drop...huh..
berpeluh2 aku g beli barang..shopping mcm hantu!!
mule2 g kedai hp..did u notice SONY ERICSSON C905??that 8.1 mp??
OMG...i'd targeting dat phone like org gilak...survey pny survey..
still 2K n above..hmm..bkn tak mampu..blh je kalo nak grab dat phone..
tp ntah nape tak jd...
pastu survey kat kedai hp kat umah...yess!!!dah agak dah..mesti kat cni lagi murah..
since 2005 aku beli hp kat kedai tu..mmg murah dari kedai2 yg aku pnh pegi..n puas hati sgt..
at least kalo ade pape problem pun..dekat je nak pegi...
money talk!!everything now is money...when u have money..u have everything...really??
for me..nope..it's only to fullfil our needs..our 'nafsu' yg kadang2 dtg cam hantu...
but it cant fullfil our happiness..it cant buy love..the one and only thing dat cannot buy with money is LOVE..trust me?its up to you...but for me..it cant buy love...
back to phone...ermm...discuss pny discuss ngn cina kat kedai tu (sebnrnye dlm dilema nak C902 or C905) at last aku amik C902...hahahahah...
this is the picture of my new gadgets...
on that day also..i went to find skin care product for me...actually i'm not the one who really take a good care of my face...hahahahah..bkn tak minat..but takde mase...(yela tu takde masa..malas sebenarnye..) after pusing2 at ampang point with my sister...jmp la DERMALOGICA...hmm..before this aku pnh la try product ni...mmg sgt2 satisfied la...so then i told my sis that i want to buy DERMALOGICA product for my skin care product..then my sis beliakkan bijik mate die (sebijik macam pontianak harum sundal malam) sbb die pun pakai that product..then die ckp "u know what my sis...this product really2 satisfy u when u using it" (dlm hati aku.. ya sis..i already try dis one..becoz it is yours..hahahah...) nak ckp mahal la tu..hengat aku tak mampu ke??? (padahal telan air liuq jgk la)
"but my lil sis...it's really expensive tau...only if u really2 want to buy it..then i recommend it.."
then i answer "yup..i really want to buy it.."
after discuss with that skin care advisor...and have a short test for the suitable skin care product for my skin..finally..this is the result...
tadaaa....huhuhuhu...i'm laughing outloud..ooopssss....am i shopaholic???maybe...huhuhu...for once in a month (betul ke??rasenye ikut suke aku je nak sopping...) ade satu lagi yang tertinggal..skin hydrating masque..huhuh..sbb mase tu my sis tgh gune dat thing..so tak dpt nak selit dlm gambar ni...
the price for this product is RM 1K!!!!OMG...i cant believe..i just bought this type of skin care product....mmg mahal sungguh..and this product pulak die tak jual set...die mmg jual satu2...huh..rabak poket aku..mcamne la kalo my deary tau aku pny skin care product dah mahal ni..mau botak die sebelum usia...hahahaha....
after dat me n my sis go to klcc...OMG..kami berkongsi kegemaran yang same...
SHOPPING!!!heheheh...go to KLCC just to go to LA SENZA (lingeries shop)hehehe...
kat situ mate aku terus juling tgk all types of bra's n panties...so cute n very sweet...
coincidencely..my sis ade member card n coupon..ape lagi. i bought 6 panties..3 bra's n 1 pyjamas n 1 babydoll..bukan barbiedoll tu tau..babydoll.. a type of sleeping dress yang maha sexy...
ini baru betul makhluk tuhan paling seksi..hahaha..
but aku takkan pakai pny..pakai time first nite with my husband je...
hahahah...tp dah siap beli kan..gile..kat la senza je aku dah abis almost RM 650...
for lingeries only pulak tu..pakaian dalam je...aduh...
abang...sory ye..sayang tau kalo abg tau..kompom abang pengsan..heheh..tp tak pe kan4?????
tapi yg tu tak leh la nak upload gambar...gile la kan!hehe...
and total up..almost RM 4K aku abis aritu....OMG...
sib baik dlm account bank tu..amount still in thousand++
kalo tak...bukan kate rambut my love je yg botak..rambut aku skali rentung...hahaha...
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