i got my financial freedom...
smlm je ari kespuluh...
n as usual...setiap 10 hari RM 6K akan menjadi gaji aku...
means sebln RM 18K...
syukur atas rezeki yg ENGKAU kurniakan pada hamba mu ini...
aku janji akan teruskan usaha...
so means dat...gaji keje gov ni aku tak yah usik dah...
bile dah betul2 stabil...
baru aku nak tuka kete..
buat mase ni..taknak pk tuka kete lagi...
a bunch of thanks pade mereka yg telah bnyk memberi idea n membantu...
p/s : waiting for the next 10 day to get another RM 6K...

12 gorgeous yang sedang berbicara!:
weiii..kO jOIn bSns peW ni??
cte r ckt!!
i always folo r blog...and this post really to make a financial like yours??can share??hopefully...
ko maen mlm ke??
naz : bisnes jual brgr tepi umah..bisnes kecik2 je naz...huhuh..nnt aku story kat ko eh..
amph : thanks for following my blog..hhehehe..and i'm following ur blog to get financial like me?dimana ada kemahuan di situ ada jalan..heheh..i'll share with u...on the next post..
nida : MLM??no lah...
really?? anything let me the 1st person to know huh...really looking for extra money right now...biler sampai tgh bulan dah rasa nak tercekik dah rasanya...
amph : huhuh...usually mmg camtu..bile salary pay by month ni mmg sangat rase nak tercekik bagai..huhuhu...leave me ur email...
here is my email....hopefully to hear from u very2 soon...thanks sis...
thanks again sis...
bLe kO naK citE wEyhhh??akU tak Sabar naK taW neYhhhh
wa niaga burger??
aku pn igt nk niaga nasik lemak..
ok tak miza?? ok tak??
aku nk pndapat ko nih..
mklm la bakal husband ko kn org bisnes gak..
naz : bak email ko...
nida : huuhuh...jual nasi lemak??aku ase ok kot...kene ade modal la...
tp make sure sedap n murah...
gerenti laku beb...
ni email ofis akU anta kt sini ek
sng skit slalu aku bace
huhu rOger!!
hi, sy sgt terujua bila income 18k sebulan? emm bisnes ape nie yer?boleh share?
salam singgah..
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